
How much does a real estate agent earn.?


The real estate agent deals with the sale and rental of real estate. His role is essential, since he represents the mediator between the owner and the buyer or tenant. However, his remuneration varies according to several criteria, including experience and status. Read a little more to know the salary of a real estate agent!

What is the average salary of a real estate agent?

The role of the real estate agent is very important in the purchase or sale of any type of property (a house, an apartment, a garage, a business premises, bare land, to build or cultivate, etc. ). He is the intermediary between the owner and the buyer or tenant . His remuneration depends on three factors:

According to the Law for Access to Housing and Renovated Town Planning, the fee of a real estate agent is set between 11 and 15 € per square meter, in the rental sector. Or a net salary of 1,300 euros per month on average.

In addition,  all real estate agents receive their salary based on the number of successful transactions . That is to say that on a sale made, they earn a percentage.

Also read: how to become a prestigious real estate agent : salary, training, benefits…

Different styles of real estate professionals and their fees

Each real estate profession receives a specific remuneration.

How much does a beginner real estate agent earn?

Being a novice in the field of real estate (1 to 3 years of experience), the remuneration of the beginner real estate agent will depend mainly on his solidity. For this, it is difficult to determine his salary with precision. Nevertheless, in his early days and given his situation, he can earn between  1,400 and 3,000 € net  per month.

While the average salary for a mid-career real estate agent with 4-9 years of experience is €2,620 per month. As for the confirmed real estate agent whose experience is between 20 and 40 years old, he can receive up to  4,300 euros gross . At the end of his career, his salary can reach €5,490.

How much does an independent real estate agent earn?

Although becoming an independent real estate agent involves risks, it also has many benefits. Not only for time management, but also in terms of remuneration. Regarding remuneration, it varies according  to Hoguet’s Law . This separates the activities of sale and rental of real estate.

Moreover, it is difficult to give the exact remuneration of an independent real estate agent. Indeed, everything depends on his commercial skills and the commissions made on each sale. In addition, these sales commissions still vary from one independent professional to another. In addition, it should be remembered that a real estate agent will have to subscribe to a financial guarantee if he holds funds from these clients. This explains the fact that the remuneration of these agents is variable. Only a few of them receive a fixed salary.

In addition, when you start as an independent real estate agent, it takes between 6 to 9 months to sign your first remuneration. By estimate, in that first year, you can earn anywhere from  $30,000 to $60,000 or more .

From another angle, it should be noted that the salary of the independent real estate agent depends on his sector of activity and his work area.

How much does a commercial real estate agent earn?

According to the Commercial Code, the commercial real estate agent is an independent real estate agent. It is autonomous and can in no way be subordinated to its mandates, which are traders, manufacturers, producers or commercial agents. The sale, purchase, rental or provision of services relating to real estate are mandates which may be entrusted to the commercial agent.

The commercial real estate agent is remunerated on the basis of the real estate transactions he carries out. These can be percentages of sales, purchases or rentals. It is therefore according to the volume of work that he provides that he is paid. His salary in France is between €640 and €6,617 gross per month.

How much does a real estate broker earn?

Real estate negotiators play the same role as real estate agents . They negotiate sales and purchases of real estate. However, they are much more collaborators and they receive a salary. There are two main categories of real estate negotiators:

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