tiled floor with

Cover a tiled floor with underfloor heating 


Renovating a house involves a lot of work and enough expense. However, this is an important step in bringing an old house back to life. Renovation allows you to improve the layout of the building and increase its lifespan. Discover in this content the advantages of renovating a house.

Renovate a house for more comfort.

A house must be able to provide the best comfort to its occupants. Various arrangements must therefore be made so that everyone feels completely at ease in the house. For this, it is important to carry out some renovation work. Before you start, it is always better to ask for a craftsman quote .

Electrical installations, insulation, or heating can deteriorate over time. This could therefore significantly reduce comfort in the home. The renovation will remedy all these problems and thus improve the comfort of the house. For more information, you can visit the home and decoration blog .

Renovate your home to reduce your energy bills

Refurbishing your home can lead to significant expenses. However, it is more advantageous to see this expense as an investment, especially in the case of an energy renovation . Indeed, the change of boiler, the reinforcement of the insulation, the renewal of the ventilation system, etc. are operations that can be quite expensive.

But in the context of the energy transition, all these operations are eligible for certain subsidies and bonuses. In addition, this work will allow you to make significant savings on your energy bills.

The tiled floor from the 80s brings this little vintage side … Which we would gladly do without!

It is high time to change the floor of the house but this project raises a multitude of questions.

How to change the floor to tile? Should it be removed or covered? What material to use? Wood ? Floor tile ? Carpet? Concrete ?

I have electric underfloor heating . Can I cover the tiles without losing heat , without affecting the proper functioning of the underfloor heating ?

My research and various opinions from craftsmen led me to the conclusion that the best solution  was to  cover the existing tiles  with new tiles.


The old tiling will thus create an additional layer that will store the heat, the thermal inertia will be reinforced. The only element to be deplored, the response time between the heating and the actual heat of the new tiles will be longer. Conversely, the floor will take longer to cool with this heating/Old tiling/New tiling sandwich.

Difference rectified tiles and non-rectified tiles

The commissioned craftsman had only one condition: to work with non-rectified tiling.

Non-rectified tiles are more practical in renovation. Edges are natural and laid with greater grouting than required for rectified tiles.

The rectified tiles are recut by an additional operation to try to have batches of tiles with the same dimensions. This operation has a cost. The “privilege” of having a thinner joint between the tiles is paid for.

How much does it cost to cover old tiles?

In my case, it was a question of covering about 60 m² of tiles.

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