Household Pests

Why Your Pet’s Health Could Be At Risk From Household Pests?


They are also more than just an annoyance and can include animals like fleas, ticks, and rats. They can be quite a danger to the general well being of your pet and can cause a host of problems. This is the reason Brentwood pest control services are so valuable in the area when dealing with these threats. 

It becomes necessary to know what these pests can do to the health of your pet before you can begin taking measures to eradicate them. Not only can pests create discomfort but also many diseases spread by these creatures and their homes. With this awareness, pet owners will be in a position to safeguard their pets besides ensuring that their home is free from diseases.

What Illnesses Can Pests Bring to Pet Animals?

It is important to note that fleas, ticks, and mites are known to cause different issues on the health of pets. Fleas are known to cause skin rashes and skin infections while ticks are known carriers of diseases including Lyme diseases . Rodents and other pests can also transmit parasites that in return can cause other elaborate diseases such as gastro infection or respiratory diseases. Besides these symptoms, pests may also cause other diseases, which will need treatment by a veterinarian. To these ends, pet owners need to eradicate pests at the soonest time possible so their pets will not be affected by these health risks.

How Do Pests Find Their Way Inside Your Home, and What Impact Do They Have on Your Pet?

Pests are smart animals and they can squeeze easily through doors and find their way inside human houses through crevices or even through the windows which are left open. Once inside they are able to access areas that pets prefer without much difficulty. Your pets are at risk of getting fleas and ticks by going outdoors or by coming into contact with flea infested surfaces within the house. 

Besides, other pests such as rodents are usual vehicles of diseases and parasites which are directly passed on to pets and hence their wellbeing. This makes it necessary to conduct routine checks on the pets to check on whether they have picked some or not and the need to ensure that the homes are secure against pest invasion.

Are Domestic Pests Disease Carriers to Pets or People?

Certainly, pests do transmit diseases to both our pets and to ourselves. For instance, flea may convey bacteria as well as parasites associated with ailments like tapeworm; skin allergic reactions. Lice which can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease in humans and Rocky Mountain spotted fever in animals are a direct threat to both pets’ health and their owners. They actually carry parasites from animals to people, diseases which do not usually pass between pets and people, but [they] do exist. Being acquainted with these risks may help in taking more adequate measures, for instance, to treat the animals, or to isolate houses from most frequent pests.

What Can Be Done in Order to Safeguard Your Pet From House Pests?

Here are some of the effective measures that can be taken to prevent pets from being affected by household pests. Maintaining cleanliness is another way of preventing fleas since vacuum cleaning your house will help get rid of the eggs as well as the larvae. Pet care, grooming and the application of flea and tick protective products are equally important in preventing pests in your pets. Furthermore, getting the pets checked on frequently to look for any sign of a pest problem is also done by a veterinarian.


It has been an essential precaution when you have a pet to ensure that you are minimizing the risk they are exposed to these household pests because they are very harmful to your pet’s health. To minimize these risks you should bathe your pet frequently, take it to the vet often and ensure that you keep your living space clean and free from any gaps. It is equally important to ensure that no infestation occurs in the first place than it is to treat the thing that comes as a result of an infestation.

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